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Simon Schama has been appointed as the
coalition’s main advisor on school history and has
been charged with leading a sweeping review of the
curriculum. He was reported in the media as having
met David Cameron to set out his ideas on the
importance of every child understanding our “island
story” before leaving school.
Schama, now a professor at Columbia University,
has outlined key events that all children should learn
about. They include: The murder of Thomas Becket,
the Black Death and subsequent Peasants’ Revolt,
the execution of King Charles I, the British rule in
India, the Opium Wars between the UK and China,
and the conflict in Ireland.
Schama was concerned that much of the evidence
of high quality teaching could only be found in state
Grammar schools or Independent schools and
is determined that all children should be given the
A survey recently published by the Historical
Association seems to endorse Schama’s fears.
It states that: “A significant number of teachers
report serious concerns that history is disappearing
in their schools, with senior managers assuming that
the study of the past has no value in its own right.”
“Lessons tend to focus on skills
not knowledge”
The report found that: “60% of history teachers were
concerned by the growth of non-specialist teaching
in Key Stage 3, 25% of academies merge history
into other subjects to teach generic skills. Grammar
schools and comprehensives report similar trends.
Non-specialist teaching in history – i.e. teaching from
those with no training in the subject and often with
no qualification higher than a GCSE – is becoming
increasingly common, particularly in Year 7 (11-12
year olds), but also throughout Key Stage 3. That
means lessons tend to focus on skills not knowledge.
The schools leading this generalist trend are the
academies but the other schools in the state sector
are following and all groups are seeing the trend
spread beyond Year 7 into Year 9.”
Michael Gove, speaking at the Conservative
Conference, also heralded the overhaul of the English
curriculum, stressing his belief in the importance of
studying the ‘great’ authors including Keats, Austen,
Dickens and Hardy.
“A significant number of teachers
report serious concerns that history
is disappearing in their schools”
See our article Hooked on Reading